The Käsmu Maritime Museum is a private museum.
The Käsmu Maritime Museum rents the main and auxiliary buildings from the Ministry of Culture, and the Käsmu Lighthouse from Vihula Municipality. Both the main building and the lighthouse are under heritage protection.
SA Käsmu Meremuuseum
Reg. no. 90012320
VAT no.: EE101619439
Founded by Aarne Vaik
Board of Directors: Aarne Vaik (Chairman), Ott Sandrak, Vello Mäss, Rein Raud, Mari-Anne Heljas, Anti Puusepp, Andrei Hvostov
Management: Ann Vool, Triin Saks
Postal address: Merekooli 1, Käsmu Village, Vihula Municipality, Lääne-Virumaa 45601
Telephone: +3723238136
Mobile: +3725297135
E-mail: muuseum@kasmu.ee
Website: www.kasmu.ee
Bank: Swedpank
a/a: EE282200221056990927
20% VAT added to all prices
The Käsmu Maritime Museum on the interactive Regio Eesti online map.